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Project Management 2019

Brexit or no Brexit, project management is the future of business


Richard White

Events Director, Project Challenge

You’re probably sick of hearing about it, but Brexit really is the biggest challenge facing the UK (and the EU) since the second world war. But while the political elite play toy soldiers with the fortunes of millions throughout Europe, organisations of all types and sizes are in the firing line.

Planning relies on sensible predictions about the future

Three years (and counting) since the referendum and no one, not even those in charge of the process, can predict the course of events. Will there be a hard Brexit in October or a last-minute deal? Even a second referendum, general election and revocation are all possibilities. Anyone who claims to know the future is telling porkies.

This is a thorny scenario for organisations in the private, public and charity sectors. Planning relies on sensible predictions about the future and, while under normal circumstances, contingency planning can alleviate some of the risk, these are anything but normal circumstances.

Yet, even when you extract Brexit from the equation, a vast number of uncertainties remain, from climate change to political upheaval to technological advancement. With each year that passes the world is becoming more and more turbulent and, with globalisation, shocks are felt around the world.

Survive Brexit with robust and adaptive project management

Project management, then, stands alone as the essential tool for the future. Organisations that adopt robust and flexible methodologies, recruit skilled people and incorporate the best planning and communications tools can stay on course amid all of the change.

It is the key skill; and project managers must perform at the highest level if they want to secure future growth and prosperity while avoiding the pitfalls.

Project managers can’t stand still; they must get up to speed with the latest developments, advice and solutions, while drawing inspiration from the experiences of experts who have succeeded in the face of adversity.

The Project Challenge Expo

Project Challenge covers Agile, digital, work management, cloud, the PMO, risk, devops and more besides, making it the essential event for executives at all levels of the career pyramid. There will be keynote presentations from government project chiefs, leading software vendors and renowned experts in methodology.

Robust yet flexible project management is the central theme of Project Challenge, the free-to-attend expo featuring 40 expert seminars covering all aspects of the project management universe. More than 50 exhibitors will be showcasing the latest products and services to give project professionals the upper hand.

It takes place at Olympia London on the 26th September.

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