Abe Eshkenazi, CSCP, CPA, CAE
Candidates with knowledge about emerging processes and technologies are tough to find. By investing in employees, companies can build a better future.
Three-quarters of companies around the world are reporting talent shortages. That’s the highest level in a decade. However, it’s not just a lack of people; it’s a lack of people with the right skills. Particularly in supply chain, 64% of surveyed employers say their biggest hiring challenge is finding candidates with the right skill sets.
Factors behind the skills gap
One problem is the growing list of emerging skills companies require. Amid supply chain digitisation, employers are seeking candidates with experience with the latest data analytics and supply chain visibility software, digital twins, robots and artificial intelligence, blockchain and other supply chain technology. However, by definition, it’s difficult to have experience with something new.
Artificial intelligence and digitisation will change
about 25% of jobs within the next few years.
The skills gap will only widen
This skills gap isn’t going away, either. For example, artificial intelligence and digitisation will change about 25% of jobs within the next few years[AO1] . Realistically, technology continuously changes, and those who are employed or are seeking employment need to keep up.
Professionals are doing a good job investing in their own development. However, their educational choices do not always align with their employer’s priorities. For example, individuals are focusing on technical skills, but companies say they are prioritising analytical and creative thinking skills to work with the technology.
Closing the skills gap
The answer isn’t to spend resources seeking a rare candidate. Instead, organisations should invest in their current employees to upskill them to work with new processes and technologies. This can be done in-house with apprenticeships and mentoring or outsourced to professional education programmes.
Investing in your employees shows that you value their hard work and loyalty. These engaged, appreciated individuals will be the best candidates for effectively bridging the skills gap and building a better future for your organisation.