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Future of EdTech Q1 2022

What does edtech best practice really look like?

iStock / Getty Images Plus / Herman Vasyliev

Gavin Hawkins

Chair, NAACE

To gain a greater knowledge of edtech best practice, we need to champion the principles that enable it to take place.

Education technology provision has continued to climb throughout the pandemic as schools explore new methods of supporting hybrid learning. Despite the significant impact of COVID-19 on the education sector and ongoing disruption, educators are rising to the challenge and implementing new ways of teaching that were arguably over a decade away from wide-spread adoption.

As an organisation that is committed to developing the role of edtech in schools, we’re proud to see so many examples of innovation. To build upon this, there is great value in schools re-visiting some key underlying principles that allow great teaching practices to shine through, taking a fresh look at what best practice should look like in 2022 and beyond.

Establishing vision and leadership

Sometimes school leadership teams can underestimate the importance of having a robust strategy for edtech that is led from the front. Regardless of the technology provision in place, without a vision and strong leadership, the impact of edtech on teaching and learning will unlikely reach its full potential.

Edtech infrastructure no longer ends at the school gates.

Understanding the landscape

While it is important to be able to lead from the front, staff buy-in is fundamental if you want to achieve success. Never make assumptions about digital literacy or past initiatives, seek in-depth feedback from staff in all areas of your school which will underpin your approach.

Supporting equal access

Edtech infrastructure no longer ends at the school gates. Consider challenges such as access to technology, internet connectivity and the digital literacy of parents and guardians at home. Where resource allows, the education sector must strive for equal learning opportunities at home, especially with ongoing disruption expected due to COVID-19.

Evaluating impact

When assessing the impact of edtech we often look at key data, such as attainment, as a measure of success. While this can be useful, especially over longer periods of time, it is important to distinguish between shallow and deeper learning, considering skills such as communication and collaboration. Map these out in your strategy to help you identify wider educational impact.

By refocusing edtech strategies, schools can maximise the impact of technology on teaching and learning even further. It will also allow schools to build resilience and digital confidence that is sustainable.

The Naace Self-Review Framework is designed to support schools in strengthening edtech strategies and recording best practice. Naace is committed to engaging with the education community to further explore the changing landscape of edtech and share examples of best practice.

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