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Future of EdTech Q3 2023

AI learning: the benefits students and teachers need to know about

Teacher Uses Interactive Digital Whiteboard
Teacher Uses Interactive Digital Whiteboard
iStock / Getty Images Plus / gorodenkoff

Gavin Hawkins

Chair of the Board, NAACE

By leveraging AI technologies, students and teachers can benefit from enhanced personalised learning experiences, improved administrative tasks and access to a wealth of educational resources.

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in education has the potential to revolutionise the way students learn and practitioners teach in primary and secondary education.

Tailored learning benefits with AI

One area where AI can greatly benefit teachers is in the realm of personalised learning. AI-powered adaptive learning platforms can analyse individual students’ strengths, weaknesses and learning styles to deliver tailored educational content.

Platforms like Khan Academy and Duolingo employ AI algorithms to provide personalised lessons and recommendations to students based on their performance and learning progress. By adapting content to students’ specific needs, AI enables teachers to cater to diverse learning styles and foster individualised learning experiences.

Helping teachers save time

AI can assist teachers in automating administrative tasks, saving valuable time and allowing them to focus on instruction. For example, AI-powered grading systems can provide immediate feedback on assignments and assessments, reducing teachers’ workload and providing students with timely insights.

Moreover, AI chatbots can address common student queries, such as homework or schedule-related questions, easing the burden on teachers and allowing them to dedicate more time to meaningful interactions with students.

AI enables teachers to cater to diverse learning styles and foster individualised learning experiences.

AI educational resources can augment traditional teaching methods by offering vast amounts of data and information. Virtual tutors powered by AI can engage students in interactive conversations, answer questions and provide explanations on various subjects. AI can also analyse student data, such as performance metrics and behavioural patterns, to identify areas where additional support may be needed.

Problem-solving and interactive learning

Several real-world examples demonstrate the effective use of AI in primary and secondary education. Take the case of Carnegie Learning’s Mika, an AI tutor that uses natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to understand students’ responses and provide personalised feedback in mathematics. It has been shown to improve students’ performance and boost their confidence in problem-solving skills.

Another example is the use of AI-based virtual reality (VR) applications in science education. This technology fosters engagement and deeper understanding, making learning more interactive and enjoyable.

Access to vast educational resources

Through adaptive learning platforms, AI-powered grading systems, virtual tutors and immersive VR experiences, teachers and students in primary and secondary education can benefit from enhanced educational experiences, increased efficiency and improved learning outcomes. Educators can unlock new opportunities for growth, innovation and improved educational outcomes for the next generation of learners.

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