Home » Education Technology » How the power of educational technology helps teachers ‘see every student’

Joan Mill

Group Managing Director, International at Renaissance

Used in the right way, technology can empower teachers and motivate students.

Joan Mill, Group Managing Director – International of edtech company, Renaissance, believes that innovative technology when directed by the teacher, is a great educational leveller that can help us ‘see every student.’

What do you mean by ‘see every student’?

I say that because technology promotes equity among students. It is a great leveller. Take computer-adaptive assessments that change the difficulty level of questions, depending on the student’s previous answers. Adaptive tech personalises learning; making it easier to see if a child is progressing at the same rate as their peers — and if not, intervene with a different learning style or teacher support so no pupil is left behind.

Do we need to think differently about education provision?

Yes — by putting great technology in the hands of teachers, we are able to positively impact student growth. Technology has been harnessed to improve working practices and customer experiences in other industries. Why shouldn’t it happen in education?

It’s our mission to accelerate learning for all by leveraging the power of cloud-based technology to create educational solutions that support and motivate students, empower and amplify teachers and engage parents.

Adaptive tech personalises learning.

How does technology support teachers and motivate students?

Teachers tell us that one of their greatest challenges is workload. Balancing competing demands can negatively impact their time, efficiency, and wellness. Employing technology alleviates some of that pressure, facilitates early intervention and supports learning recovery – while also making the practice of essential skills fun and motivational for students.

Can technology help parents?

Yes, absolutely. Technology can provide parents with visibility of their child’s progress and alerts them of their achievements to help celebrate their successes.

How does data improve assessment?

Data is most impactful when it’s timely and insightful. There’s only so much information you can glean by assessing students once a year with a paper-based test. However, technology facilitates regular assessment, making it easier for teachers to mark work, intervene to make better decisions for students, and generate personalised learning pathways.

What might prevent educators from embracing technology?

Anyone who sees technology as ‘the unknown’ and therefore as a threat, may require a mindset change. We know that teachers and educators are the experts. As such, they can and should use technology to enhance and amplify, not replace or diminish the quality of their craft – using software to relieve some of the pressure and personalise learning for all – essentially, see every student.

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